Abstract Deadline: January 10th, 2025
See: Call for Papers
The Southeast Recreation Research (SERR) conference provides an exceptional opportunity for researchers and managers within the parks, recreation and environmental management fields to learn about and discuss each other's projects, research findings, and regional needs. The conference setting supports both formal presentations and informal discussions in a setting that emphasizes student engagement and development, in addition to the friendly exchange of research theories and practices.
Just two miles northeast of Alpine Helen in the gorgeous North Georgia Mountains is the ultimate mountain retreat destination. Unicoi State Park & Lodge is centered around beautiful Lake Unicoi within the Chattahoochee National Forest. The park offers unparalleled hiking trails leading to Anna Ruby Falls and Helen.
Learn more about Unicoi State Park & Lodge here.
Use code SERR Conference 10312
1788 GA-356, Helen, GA 30545
Deadline: January 10th, 2025
Sessions at SERR include empirical, conceptual, or theoretical work.
The SERR conference features research on a wide variety of recreation, nature-based tourism, and human-dimensions of natural resources topics such as:
Scholarships TBD
Thanks to the generous support of conference sponsors and the annual silent auction proceeds, we are offering a limited number of student scholarships for undergraduate and/or graduate students to attend this year's SERR conference. The scholarship amounts will vary but will only cover a portion of the costs of attending the conference (registration, travel, etc.). Interested students should email a one-page letter (as an attached MS Word file) to one of our conference co-chairs, (See Co-Chair Contact Information below) describing how they believe their academic and professional interests will be enhanced by their attendance.
Please direct any questions regarding the conference to one of this year's conference co-chairs:
President: Allie McCreary, Auburn University, allie.mccreary@auburn.edu
Treasurer: Bynum Boley, bynum.boley@warnell.uga.edu
Ryan Sharp, University of Tennessee, rsharp19@utk.edu
Michael Brunson, Auburn University, mmb0196@auburn.edu
Sponsorships help cover meals, event space, AV equipment, keynote speakers (cover their room and travel), promotional materials (e.g. shirts, mugs, etc.), and to keep the conference affordable to students and faculty.
Please find more information at this link.
Contact: Ryan Sharp rsharp19@utk.edu